ISO-9001 Auditor Training

A progressive workshop, attendees can choose to attend the initial 2 days of training or continue the 3rd and or 4th days of the workshop.  (Cost dependent upon # of days attending)

Days I and II: The first two days of this program will provide a clause-by-clause interpretation of the Standard. This knowledge can be powerful when you need to apply a certain clause in your role, or explain a real-time scenario to your peers using the Standards as a lens or even better defend your QMS to an auditor, customer or a regulatory body.

Day III: students who are interested in performing and/or leading internal audits (1st party audits) and supplier audits (2nd party audits) will benefit from merely attending the 1st three days of this 4-day training program. (prerequisite days I and II)

Day IV: for QMS leaders & “wannabe” third-party auditors: This universally recognized status demonstrates a superior competence level for end-to-end advisory, management and auditing services globally. This is ideal for managers and senior management level positions with leadership roles in developing, implementing, maintaining and auditing and continually improving organization-wide quality management systems based on ISO 9001:2015 QMS.

(prerequisite days I, II, III)

Course Information

Program goals:

Interactive and hands-on individual/group exercises this progressive workshop is designed to enhance the overall learning experience and effectiveness. The program seeks to achieve the following goals:

  • Understand quality management principles, including the Plan-Do-Check-Act improvement model and how these principles can be applied in the ISO 9001:2015 context.
  • Establish the relationship between ISO 9001:2015 QMS requirements and an organization’s business inputs, internal/external processes and business output (product and/or service).
  • Gain proficiency in interpreting requirements of the Standards to an organization’s people, process and technology resources.
  • Understand the concept of the organizational context including its components (interested parties needs/expectations, strategic direction and factors impacting the business);
  • Apply knowledge gained from organizational context to the planning and deployment of the organization’s QMS
  • Understand the application of risk management principles in developing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving the QMS.
    Understand principles, procedures and techniques of auditing laid out in ISO 19011, Guidelines for auditing management systems.
  • Be able to plan, perform and close-out 1st party, 2nd party and 3rd party quality management systems audits against ISO 9001:2015 QMS audit criteria
  • As an audit lead, select and manage an audit team in order to effectively and efficiently complete a QMS audit.
  • Gain an appreciation for ANAB and other oversight body requirements relevant to the performance of third-party audit programs, including audit person-day calculations and the appeals process.
  • Gain an exposure to desired personnel attributes and communication skills of an effective QMS auditor and an audit team leader, including conflict management, dealing with difficult client & audit team scenarios and time management

Topics covered include:

  • Understanding the organization and its context
  • Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties
  • Leadership and commitment
  • Actions to address risks and opportunities and the concept of risk-based thinking
  • Strengthened criteria for quality objectives
  • Documented information

Audience: QMS managers, implementation team members, management representatives, or anyone with an interest to develop competency in ISO 9001:2015 standard:

Duration: 8 hours per day

Certificates of Attainment:

  • Students that successfully complete the four-day Lead Auditor Training (LAT) program will obtain a Certificate of Attainment for ISO 9001:2015 QMS Lead Auditor.

Contact: P: (901) – IGNITE – U  | E: [email protected]

Course Instructor

admin admin Author
Sriram Vilayanor

Sri Vilayanoor, President & Founder MS (IE), BE (ME), QMS-LA, CSSMBB, CRMA

In-person, public: $399/person/day


2. In-person, on-site: Contact for pricing (see contact info above)


Remote/WebEx: $75/person/day


This course does not have any sections.