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LEAN Principles

Course overview

Lean processing… an overview


This course provides a foundation in Lean practices that decrease and/or eliminate waste. They are applicable every day, to any job role, and are appropriate in any type of industry, from manufacturing and private-sector businesses to public service organizations. an introduction to Lean concepts, such as the 5 Lean principles, defining value-added activities, the “8 forms of waste” and a Kaizen simulation.



Program goals: Develop a baseline understanding of Lean principles, allowing attendees to identify areas of waste and adopt a “LEAN” mentality whereby opportunity for waste reduction or process improvement becomes commonplace

Topics covered include:

·      problem solving, value stream mapping, 5S, standardized work and more

·      Value Stream Mapping (VSM), Muda (Waste), Kaizen, Problem Solving, Change Management,

·      Standardized Work, 5S Work-Place Organization & Visual Control, Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED)

·      Mistake Proofing/Poke Yoke, Total Preventive Maintenance (TPM)/calculating

·      Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), Kanban/Pull systems & Employee Engagement


Audience: Leads, managers, production supervisors seeking ways to reduce cost or improve efficiency

Duration: 8 hours

Delivery & cost options available:

1.    In-person, public: $399/person

2.    In-person, on-site: Contact for pricing (see contact info below)

3.    Remote/WebEx: $75/person

Instructor: Sri Vilayanoor, President & Founder MS (IE), BE (ME), QMS-LA, CSSMBB, CRMA

Contact: P: (901) – IGNITE – U  | E:

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